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A New Chapter

I graduated undergrad last month. Spring semester started this past week, and I'm not there. I'm not currently a full-time student. What the heck!

Something I've been reflecting on these past couple of weeks is the growth that happened throughout college, and what life is meant to look like now as I move towards a graduate degree, full-time career, etc. The main thing I've taken away: How fast life moves. Three years of school have gone by and I spent so much of that time envisioning what life would be like post-college. Now, I'm realizing through both watching my friends start their semesters and also discerning the next steps of life through prayer, that 'the grass will always be greener on the other side.' With that being said, rather than continuing to fantasize about what the future may be like, where I'll be in 'x' amount of months, what I/others may be doing, my hope for this next chapter of my life is to truly settle into the moments of where I am. To take in the sounds, the noises, whose around me, what are we doing, do I like it, am I having fun, am I learning. I recently read something that said when we thing about the way that we should mimic our lives to be like Jesus, it's not about wearing sandals and spending 40 days in the desert. Rather, we should imagine Jesus in our lives right now. What is he doing? Is he rushing through life? Unaware of surroundings? No!! Jesus is patient, kind, present in the moment, joyful - all the things we should strive to be.

So while this next chapter involves lots of change in terms of no longer being in school, working, moving away from friends/family, but also preparing for continuing stages of life, I look forward to the ways things can change, but am more focused on the ways I can continue to be present in the everyday. Here and now.

Lots of love, always. <3


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